
Count Orlok, scourge of the undead, dweller of Transylvania. For centuries I have lurked in the shadows, feasting only by night and hiding from the light of day. My beastly visage and strange powers of mesmerism over lesser creatures keep the villages cowering in fear.

Solitary by nature yet driven by insatiable bloodlust, I occupy my time plotting the demise of nearby communities to slake my thirst for mortal ichor. When the opportunity recently arose to infiltrate a new settlement under false pretenses, I seized upon it at once. Disguising my true monstrous form beneath a traveling lawyer's ensemble, I journeyed to the small German town of Wisborg.

There I insinuated myself into the household of a certain Thomas Hutter, gaining his trust only so I might feast upon his comely wife Nina. My demonic infection has already begun to spread throughout the town as I turn each new victim. Soon Wisborg will belong to me entirely, its residents nothing more than livestock for my unholy appetites.

None can stand against the terror that is Count Orlok!

The night is mine!